Thursday, March 23, 2006

Introduction to ARRL by Pat Bunsold

This is the first segment from the "I've Got My License... Now What?" Series from Palomar Amateur Radio Club.

Pat Bunsold WA6MHZ talks about the benefits of membership in the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

San Diego Repeater Site in Winter Videocast

This videocast is of an amateur radio repeater site in San Diego County, CA, USA. Photos of the site (by W5NYV) were taken in March 2006. The site was under two feet of snow with moderate-to-heavy snow load on the tower and antennas. The photos are set to a musical piece called "Snowfall" by the artist Rada.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Hello! Amateur Radio Promo PDF

This PDF gives a whirlwind tour of what Amateur Radio is about and where to find more information about this wonderful hobby.

Hello! Amateur Radio Promo

A whirlwind tour of Amateur Radio and where to find out more information.

Monday, March 13, 2006

SuitSat-1 Videocast

This videocast presents photos of SuitSat-1, set to a beautiful space-themed song by Alexye Nov called "The Space Runaway (part 1)". SuitSat-1 audio recorded by Amateur Radio operator VE6BLD. Photos are from and NASA. Graphics are from Darkmatter's SuitSat-1 Blog.

Welcome to SDARP

San Diego Amateur Radio Podcast brings an eclectic mix of Amateur Radio related audio and video direct to you! Audio and video casts of the artistic side of Ham Radio, experimental designs, circuit theory, changes and evolutions in the hobby, test prep, and other amateur radio events (most often in San Diego County, CA, USA) will be presented. Welcome!